D. S. Quinton
author : D. S. QuintonD.S. Quinton was born in the Midwest USA and attended the schools of Daydreaming, Foosball and Mixology. These divergent paths eventually evolved into a B.S. in Computer Science, an MBA and a successful IT career.\n\nAlthough his guitar slide is rusty, his piano keys are warm, and despite the lure of many untraveled paths, his feet are generally moving forward.\n\nHe is an avid student of the unknown and is happy he conceived the Dark Wave before the Science Channel reveals proof it is real.\n\nYou can also find him at:\nhttp://www.dsquinton.com\nhttps://www.facebook.com/ds.quinton.37\nhttps://www.amazon.com/author/dsquinton\nhttps://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18457753.D_S_Quinton\n\n View more >>D. S. Quinton Book Series